Performance Card Service (PCS) specializes in helping liquor stores and other high risk businesses with payment processing solutions that give their customers the quality of service they expect and provide the highest possible level of transaction data security. Along with helping you obtain, set up and maintain an alcohol merchant account, we can assist your store or e-commerce liquor business with a wide range of related services.
Liquor Store Credit Card Processing
Complete Merchant Services for Online and Brick-and-Mortar Firms

Liquor Store Credit Card Processing Is a Challenge
Online and brick-and-mortar liquor stores are categorized as high risk businesses by financial institutions that issue credit card merchant accounts. Although liquor stores normally take extra precautions to establish a customer’s identify before accepting payment, many credit card issuers, perhaps because they are unfamiliar with the industry, do not realize this and assume every liquor store has a high number of fraudulent purchases and credit card chargebacks. In addition, some banks are concerned about their brands, and simply feel that having an alcohol merchant account would somehow tarnish their reputations.

PCS Processing Solutions for Liquor Stores
With more than 20 years of experience helping liquor stores meet their payment processing needs, we have established solid relationships with financial institutions that provide reliable, technologically sophisticated credit card payment services — and have an active interest in working with liquor stores.
For brick-and-mortar, card-present businesses, you can expect easy-to-use POS systems, tremendous merchant support, strong fraud protection, the best rates in the alcohol sales and delivery industry, and transparent fees.
For online, card-not-present (CNP) businesses, you can expect numerous payment processing options and strong fraud protection, as well as competitive rates and transparent fees.
PCS helps you implement or upgrade your payment processing system every step of the way, from preparing your merchant account application, to implementing and integrating with your age verification software and other operating systems, to ongoing support and troubleshooting.